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Insights: Key Figures Explained

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In the insights area, you can access statistics that provide a good basis for analyzing the success of your selector. The Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) help you to understand how your target group uses the selector and which products are recommended most often on the result page. When looking at KPIs, it is important to compare the analysis data with a benchmark. This is the most efficient way to get a complete picture of your selector's success.

In the following section, you will learn which KPIs are measured in the insights section, what they mean, and which benchmarks you can use.

Explanation of the Key Figures

  1. Requests: Number of requests. A request starts with calling up the selector via the browser. Selector calls in which the user does not select any answer also count as request (see bounce rate).
  2. Bounce Rate: Percentage of requests that left the selector without answering the first question.
    • Benchmark: The bounce rate should be below 7%.
    • Important remark: A high bounce rate is a sign that the first question may have been phrased in an incomprehensible manner or so that the user’s expectations are not met (traffic quality).
  3. Exit Rate: Percentage of requests that have answered at least one question, but have left the selector before reaching the results page
    • Benchmark: The exit rate should be below 10 %.
    • Important remark: A high exit rate is a sign that the questionnaire may have been formulated too complex or too long and that the user is overwhelmed at some point.
  4. Completion Rate: Percentage of requests that have answered all questions and reached the results page.
    • Benchmark: The Completion-Rate should be higher than 85 %.
  5. CTA Clicks / Requests: Percentage of all requests for which the Call to Action (CTA) buttons on the results page were used.
    • Benchmark: The CTA clicks / requests ratio should be above 7 %.
  6. CTA Clicks / Completions: Proportion of requests that have reached the results page and have subsequently clicked a CTA button.
    • Benchmark: The CTA clicks / completions ratio should be above 20%.
  7. Form Submits / Requests: Proportion of all requests that have submitted the contact form.
    • Benchmark: Form Submits / Requests ratio should be above 5%.
  8. Form Submits / Completions: Proportion of requests that have reached the results page and submitted the contact form.
    • Benchmark: Form submits / completions ratio should be above 50 %.

Calculation of the Key Figures in the Digitizer

If a user clicks through the questionnaire, the Digitizer proceeds to calculate various key figures. These provide you an overall picture of the user behavior and the general success of your selector.

In the following, we describe how the Digitizer evaluates the parameters based on the behavior of our example user Bob.

  1. Bob finds your selector on your website and starts it.
    • The request is initially counted as a bounce (=1) , since Bob has not yet clicked on any of the answers in this scenario.
  2. Bob answers the first question of the questionnaire.
    • The request changes from bounce to exit (=1). The exit is = 1 because Bob has not yet reached the result page in this scenario.
    • Suppose Bob interrupts the questionnaire before reaching the result page, e.g. by closing the tab. In this case the request remains as exit (=1).
    • Suppose Bob opens the page again. In this case, the previous exit (=1) is still used. This means that the request will not be incremented. In addition, all answers that Bob has selected before closing the tab are removed from the evaluation and overwritten by the new answers.
      • Example: Bob selected answer A of question 1 and then closed the tab on the second page. If he now opens the tab again and clicks on answer B of question 1 instead, answer A is deleted from the history. Only the click on answer B is included in the insights. Important: The previous entries of the request are stored in the local storage of the browser. If Bob works with Chrome and opens Firefox in parallel, these are counted as two different requests.
  3. Now Bob has answered all questions and reaches the result page where the appropriate recommendations are presented.
    • The request type changes from exit to completion (= 1).
  4. Afterwards, Bob notices that he wants to change an answer. He clicks on the question, selects a new answer, and then goes back to the results page.
    • The digitizer measures completion (= 2)because two different result pages were displayed based on different answers.
  5. Bob enjoyed the Selector so much that he clicks on "Restart" and ends up back on the first questionnaire page.
    • In that case, none of the KPIs will be increased. The request (= 1) and completion (= 2)remain the same. The bounce rate is not increased because it is only counted when the selector is opened for the first time.
  6. Now Bob answers the first question of the questionnaire in a second run.
    • The digitizer counts the new request as an exit (= 1)As soon as Bob has reached the result page, the completion (= 3) is calculated from this exit (1 from the first pass, 1 from the subsequently changed answer and 1 from the second pass).
  7. After Bob has reached the result page, he closes the tab.
    • The completion is not converted into an exit because Bob has answered the questionnaire completely.

Graphical Representation of the Insights

Selector Insights

The metrics described above are displayed graphically per day in the Selector insights.

  • Requests per day: Number of requests per day, divided into:
    • Bounce Count: Number of requests that left the Selector without answering the first question.
    • Exit Count: Number of requests that have answered at least one question, but left the Selector before reaching the result page.
    • Finished Count: Number of requests that have answered all questions and reached the result page.
  • CTA clicks per day: Number of CTA button clicks per day, divided into:
    • goToExternal Count: Number of clicks on CTA buttons that lead to external content (e.g. pages of your website)
    • goToForm Count: Number of clicks on CTA buttons that lead to the contact form.
  • Form submits per day: Number of contact forms submitted per day.

User Inputs

  • Graphical overview of the number of clicks on each response option in the selected time period.


  • Number of exits from the questionnaire assigned to the question where the exit was made.

Recommended Products

  • Percentage distribution of recommended products based on their product ID.

CTA Clicks

  • Number of all clicks on the CTA buttons of the result page assigned to the respective product.

Form Submits

  • Number of submitted contact forms. If the CTA button is in the top or bottom section, the clicks are not assigned to any product, while in the product section it can be assigned to the products.
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