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Insights & Analysis

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A notice: This section provides information on the subject of Insights and is not relevant to the creation of your Getting Started Selector.

In the insights you can analyze the user behavior of the users. You can use this information to optimize the product range and selector.

Among other things, you can gain the following insights:

  • Selector Insights
  • User Inputs
  • Exit
  • Recommended Product
  • CTA Clicks
  • Form Submits

In the digitizer, the insights look like this:

Insights menu

Resources: Insights (overview)

Resources: Insights (analyses and key figures explained)

Finally, the selector must be integrated into your website.

A detailed explanation of how the selector can be integrated into the website can be found in the following article:

Incorporate the selector

Important: So that products can be recommended to a selector user at the end of the questionnaire, the following elements must be created in the digitizer or in the selector configuration: product import, result page (result page) and matrix.

Congratulations. You have built your first custom selector.

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We look forward to your inquiry about the Digital Product Selector. Let's digitize B2B sales together in a sustainable way!

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