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Add filters

Products that meet certain criteria can be narrowed down on the results page using the filter function. The criteria can be defined accordingly by the user in the questionnaire via the questions.

Example: Products should be filtered according to the quality standard

Ask: Which quality standard is required?
Answer choices:

quality standard 1

At least quality standard 2

At least quality standard 3

If “At least quality standard 2” is selected as the answer, then the products that “meet at least quality standard 2” are displayed on the result page, i.e. all products with quality standard 1. Products with quality standard 3 are excluded via the filter.

Setting up the filter:

In order to link the filter logic with the questionnaire, the corresponding filter criteria for each product must first be specified in the CSV product file. For our example, the respective quality standards are defined in the corresponding column in the CSV for the products “Watch Premium”, “Watch Vintage” and “Watch Standard”.

Setting up the filter

In the next step, the filter for quality standard is set up in the digitizer under “Filter”. Since this is a filter that depends on user input, the “User Input” filter must be selected in the top right under “Add Filter”:

Filter Quality Standard

The filter appears when you click on “User Input Filter”.

Under "filter label” the filter can be named first, in our case we call the filter “Quality Standard Filter”.

With "Change input type" the filter type can be changed again.

In The Field "Answer – conditions” the answers for which the filter should be active must be selected. In our example, the quality standard answers “1”, “2” and “3” must be selected because the filter should take effect when these answers are selected.

Under "Choice” you can then select the question for which the filter is activated. For our example we choose the above question “Which quality standard is required?”. About the field”Answer” it can be defined whether the filter only applies to a specific answer. We leave this field empty because the filter for all possible answers to the question "What quality standard is required?" shall apply.

In The Field "Overwrite answer values for filter” the possible answers can be overwritten in order to match them with the values from the CSV file. In our case, we have defined the following values in the CSV for the respective answer options:

Quality standard 1 = ”1”

At least quality standard 2 = “2”

At least quality standard 3 = “3”

Accordingly, we enter the values (1-3) for the possible answers.

Under "Recommendation attributes” the filter element is selected that will later be used to limit or filter the product recommendation. This field refers to our columns in the CSV file. Previously, in the CSV file, we defined the quality standards for each product. Under “Recommendation Attribute” we select “Quality Standard” accordingly.

On the "Operator” the comparison sign is chosen, i.e. <, ≤, =, ≥ or >. In our case, we use the operator ≤ (less than or equal to). This compares the values of the user's answer with the values for the products from the CSV.

Our finished sample filter will look like this (please read the note below the image!):

filters example


So that the filter works for the respective answers and the matrix logic no longer applies here, under "algorithm' the answers (for which a filter has been set) are excluded. To do this, go to the "Algorithm" section under "special fields' to the line 'exclude answers’ and select the appropriate answers here. In our case it looks like this:

Filters & Algorithm

Filter Types

user input filters.

The following settings can be made for the User Input Filter:

user input filter

Number Input Filter

The following settings can be made for the number input filter:

number input filter

Input filter drop-down

The following settings can be made for the dropdown input filter:

drop down input filter

Input filter check box

The following settings can be made for the Checkbox Input Filter:

check box input filter

Radio button input filter

The following settings can be made for the radio button Input Filter:

radio button input filter
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